


MASTER (2) : Contemporary Philosophy (commun APES-PSR)


Semestre (1 à 4) :1

N° BCC :

UE : The Philosophical Tradition Today

Intitulé du séminaire : Platonism and Natutalism in Contemporary Philosophy

Nombre d’heures global de l’UE :   H / SEMESTRE

Cours :  2  h par semaine

Nom de l’enseignant (ou des enseignants) : Claudio Majolino


Présentation du cours : Lloyd Gerson’s latest book issues a challenge to contemporary philosophers to rethink the nature of their vocation, its problems, presuppositions, and ends. Gerson bucks the mainstream to affirm that naturalism in all its varieties, reductive as well as liberal, is a dead-end and that if philosophy is possible at all as a branch of knowledge distinct from the natural sciences, with a subject-matter of its own, then it is possible only as Platonism. In this seminar we will critically discuss Gerson’s claims through a thorough reading of his book.  



Bibliographie indicative :


Lloyd P. Gerson, Platonism and Naturalism: The Possibility of Philosophy, Cornell University Press, 2020.



Contrôle des connaissances :

Validation du séminaire : préciser nature : Min-mémoire écrit et/ou exposé oral