
Course Objectives:

The objectives of this course are twofold.

First, it seeks to introduce L2 political science students to key facts and debates that justify and that have contributed to International Political Economy (IPE) as a field of study within the branch of international relations. Second, the course seeks to equip students with the critical knowledge that will help them to understand and attempt scientific explanations of the States' economic behaviors, the structures of global political economy, and interactions among international economic actors. By global political economy, we mean and include all political-economic flows, interactions, relations connecting the world such that pulling on one string in one place can make a change somewhere else. These include globalization’s central dynamics such as interconnectivity, reconfiguration of space and time, and enhanced economic cooperation, economic and financial flows, climate change policies, human capital and mobility.

Histoire des obligations en droit français : L 2 droit Cambrai, Semestre 4.

Résumé analytique :

Le cours restitue les grandes étapes de l’histoire des obligations en droit français. 

Il a pour vocation d’éclairer le cadre culturel, politique et juridique dans lequel se sont forgés les concepts essentiels en la matière, qu’il s’agisse de la responsabilité ou des contrats. Un accent particulier est porté sur les modalités concrètes de contribution de la doctrine et de la jurisprudence à la formation des catégories juridiques essentielles du Code civil.

Compétences attendues

Développer la culture juridique

Faciliter la compréhension des grandes questions de droit privé